Under Pressure Training
This workshop aims to support professionals working with young people to open discussions
with them about some of the challenges and pressures they may be facing including: risks of
grooming and sexual exploitation, negotiating online safety, engaging in healthy consent-based
relationships, and dealing with the pressures to conform to idealised models of ‘how to be’ men
and women.
The target audience is for those who support children and young people. The training is
designed to increase knowledge and understanding of:
‒ the effects of gender stereotyping on young people
‒ the signs and effects of abuse within young people's intimate relationships
‒ increased confidence in talking with young people about the issues of relationship abuse
and exploitation
‒ using the socio-ecological model
To register for this training please email StirlingPPT@stirling.gov.uk and provide the following
details: name, job title, organisation, email address, name and date of training, name of
line manager and their email address in order to update training records.
You will receive a confirmation email that includes the exact time the course starts, pre-course
reading materials and an MS Teams link to access the training on the day.
This training will be available via the TSI Learning Portal in the next few months. Please
contact jamie@sventerprise.org.uk for the code that allows you to download the training from
the learning portal for free.