Trigger Trio - Parental Mental ill Health, Parental Substance Use and Domestic Abuse (General, Specific and Intensive Workforce)
FREE - 6 hour facilitated face to face workshop delivered by the Lead Child Protection
8th May 2024
9th October 2024
27th February 2025
Applicants must have previously completed Intra-Agency Child Protection Processes Roles and
Responsibilities training.
The target audience for this training is Social Workers – Children, Health Visitors, Midwives,
Foster Carers, Residential Social Workers, Family Support Workers, Substance use Workers,
Early years, Housing Officers and the Third Sector.
The learning outcomes are:
‒ to give attendees a greater knowledge of domestic abuse, parental substance use and
parental mental ill health issues.
‒ to develop a greater understanding of how these issues impact on children and young
‒ to identify links between these issues and child protection concerns
To register for this training please email and provide the following
details: name, job title, organisation, email address, name and date of training, name of
line manager and their email address in order to update training records.
You will receive a confirmation email that includes pre-course reading materials, details of the
venue and start time.