How to Write Outstanding Tenders - The Invitation to Tender (Webinar)
Understanding what a buyer is looking for and creating a response to show how you are the best candidate for the job can be tricky.
At this training, you will learn what skills are needed for your business to write a good tender response and stand out from your competitors. One of SDP’s expert trainers will also explain how to analyse the tender documents and how to find hidden clues in the tender documents to help you develop a well-round response.
Overview of what you will learn:
- What work can be done pre-tender to make the process of creating a bid less stressful?
- How can use Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and Public Contracts Scotland-Tender (PCS-T) to submit tenders?
- What work needs to go into preparing for the ITT before the tender documents are released.
- Which skills do you need to have in your bid team to write winning bids?
- What good looks like in a bid response
At the end of the session, there will be an interactive Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to ask any burning questions you may have. As well as have the chance to hear what other SME businesses in Scotland have to say.
For more information please click here