Applying a Human Rights and Equalities First Approach: Workshop

calendar icon 31 July 2023
From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm

About this course

This course is all about applying a human rights and equalities first approach using the PANEL principles and is an ideal next step after attending our Basics course. It’s for people who already know a bit about human rights and equalities or are already familiar with the human rights and equalities first approach, and want to know how to apply them to their role and/or organisation.


Join us to learn:

• About the PANEL principles - what are they, and how can they be applied to your work?

• The practical steps you can take to bring human rights and equalities into your everyday work.

Our half-day training session will introduce you to THRE’s Human Rights and Equalities First Approach and provide practical steps to start or continue your human rights and equalities journey.

The course takes place online via Zoom and is for anyone working in Scotland’s third sector. It will run from 10 am - 13:00 pm with breaks at regular intervals.

We strive to make all of our training sessions accessible. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs when you book your place.

To book a place please click here


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