Adult Support & Protection for the General Contact Workforce
This training is an introduction and is designed to raise awareness for staff in all sectors whose
work involves contact with adults who may be at risk of harm.
The learning outcomes are:
‒ To recognise and understand who is an adult at risk.
‒ To recognise and understand the types and patterns of harm.
‒ To be clear about having a duty to report any concerns about actual or suspected harm.
‒ Have an awareness of the principles within adult support and protection legislation
‒ To be aware of the procedures and guidelines in your organisation that would support you in
reporting concerns.
To register for this training please email and provide the following
details: name, job title, organisation, email address, name and date of training, name of
line manager and their email address in order to update training records.
You will receive a confirmation email that includes the exact time the course starts, pre-course
reading materials and an MS Teams link to access the training on the day.
This training will be available via the TSI Learning Portal in the next few months.
Please contact for the code that allows you to download the training from
the learning portal for free.