Stirling and Clackmannanshire Third Sector Finance Forum

What is the finance forum?
SVE in partnership and collaboration with CTSI host a regular session for members to get together, in a safe and confidential place, to have an informal chat about finance and accounting. These sessions are related to the voluntary sector and cover issues of common concern, as well as provide an opportunity to share examples of good practice.
The meetings are held online, and we also have a virtual Finance Forum Team Channel where questions can be added and answered between meetings.
Where and how often do you meet?
We hold the forum every quarter online.
The next meeting is on Monday 21st August 2023 at 1.00 PM
What is the cost?
The sessions are FREE for SVE and CTSI members; membership to both organisations is free and further information can be found CTSI here and SVE here
You can find a copy of the agenda by Clicking Here
To book a spot please click here